Max drivers have often times been caught performing acts of
acrobatics in order to get out of situations!
Now, not everyone that comes along on these rides is on a 6x6. This
is Dennis.. doing darned good job keeping up on his Polaris Scrambler 500 4x4.
And this is Dennis and my son Jason (also riding a Scrambler 500).
See..good times are had by ALL.. not just the AATV's. And yes,
that WAS a white shirt!
Here's a group taking a break. Notice the American Flags a wavin'?
This event was held shortly after Sept. 11th... and was almost cancelled.
What an AWESOME way to support our country and exercise the freedoms
that others were trying to take from us!
Ok.. DENNIS was the instigator of THIS round fun in the mud!
He came along with us, thought he owned an ARGO or something,
and took off through the mud. Even his Polaris Scrambler 500 couldn't
get him out of THIS mess! :)
Here comes Brandon to lend a hand.
This gives all new meaning to PLAYIN IN THE MUD!
Even Bud had to join in the festivities!
Click "NEXT" to see more MUD pics!

This page is dedicated to all the men & women who died
September 11, 2001 and also to those that are fighting for our
country still today.